Proposed Removal of BT Public Payphones

BT has given notice that it intends to remove the public payphone in the village (and in many other villages in the area) - on the grounds that the number of calls from public payphones has more than halved in the last three years, and many payphones no longer cover their costs - largely because the use of mobile phones has changed the way in which people communicate.  The box in Greatford was used for only three paid calls in the last year.

The Parish Council has expressed concern about the proposed removal, as there would then be no public call box to make emergency calls.  South Kesteven District Council shares this concern (especially as the mobile telephone operators are not under the same obligation as BT to ensure connection for emergency calls), and has lodged its objections with the Secretary of State.  Copies of SKDC’s representations may be viewed below.

It should be noted that the Greatford box is listed, so even if BT succeed in discontinuing the telephone service, they would not be able to remove the box without receiving planning permission from SKDC.

Further developments will be reported here as soon as they are known