Mobile Library: The Lincolnshire mobile library visits Greatford every four weeks stopping on a Monday at the phone box on Main Street between 12 - 12.30.
Further details are on the village noticebaord.
LCC make every effort to ensure the mobile library arrives at each stop on time. But for the latest news on this route please contact Customer Services on 01522 782010 or visit www.lincolnshire.go.uk. For enquiries about the library service and renewals, please phone 01522782010
Play equipment in playing field: There is a large grass area for a sports pitch with football goals at either end. There is a range of well-maintained and annually inspected play equipment for children. A picnic bench was provided by Lois and Cyril Webb in memory of Alison, for use by villagers. There are several benches to sit and enjoy the area, kindly provided through donations and grants. A community orchard of heritage local fruit trees with a belt of wildlife planting runs along one side. Local children have created bug-hotels to encourage 6- and 8-legged residents to move it!
Best Kept Village: Greatford has won this competition in 1981, 1988. 2003, 2006, 2008 and 2017 and 2020! We are lucky to live in such a lovely village with villagers who care.
Carlby & District WI:
Welcome, Ladies, to Carlby and District WI.
Women Inspired, Women Informed.
An opportunity to belong to a nationwide organisation with links to women all over the world, an organisation that really makes a difference, helping shape Government policy and peoples lives everywhere.
Whatever your age or interests the WI will have something to offer you.
Each 2nd Tuesday of the month there is an evening with conversation, new friends and entertaining and informative speakers. We are a group of approximaltely 30 members of ladies from Carlby and surrounding villages and towns.
It will cost £5 a meeting for visitors.
All meetings start at 7.30 pm.
Do give us a try; we’d love to see you!
Please join our local branch – Carlby and District WI
Membership is £44 a year and includes an interesting and informative magazine.
President: Margaret Hawkins 01778 590348
Secretary: Sarah Cardew E: carlbywi@gmail.com 01778 590542/07785751909
Flying the Flag: You can help to raise funds by having the Union Jack or the Flag of St George flown in honour of any special event. The Flags can be flown at the Village Hall in aid of Village Hall Funds or on the flagpole outside the Church in aid of Church Funds. Please contact Lois Webb for further information on 01778 560437 or email lois.m.webb1@gmail.com
Bellringing: Practice nights are on the third Wednesday from 7.30pm.
Bells, like most other ‘instruments’ need to be rung fairly regularly to keep them in good working order, so we are pleased to welcome other ringers when asked. Please contact Lois Webb for further information on 01778 560437 or email lois.m.webb1@gmail.com
The Parish Council meets on Tuesdays bi-monthly. All parishioners are welcome to attend and raise any matters of concern. Clerk : Mrs Helen Britton at greatfordpc@gmail.com
Church Cleaning: Do you have 4 hours a year to spare to help keep our beautiful church clean? Are you a student who would like to join the cleaning rota for your D of E voluntary work? If so please contact Bridget Everitt on 01778 560473
Latest news
800 years of St Thomas' Church in Greatford!
Everyone is invited to a special service in Greatford Church on Sunday 7th July at 4pm.
Village hog roast
Sunday 23rd June at 1pm Everyone welcome!
Uffington Scarecrow Festival 2024
A celebration of the BBC 101 years of broadcasting Sunday 5th and Monday 6th May 11am - 4pm